Monday, December 12, 2016

Future Shock and John Frankenheimer

This CIA/Russian computer hacking/possible election tampering/spying spooks-galore business has pushed me off the diving board into reading Jamie Bartlett's The Dark Net: Inside the Digital Underworld. I anticipate a double-feature tonight or tomorrow of John Frankenheimer's The Manchurain Candidate and Seven Days in May, just to stoke the fires of inspiration. In the last 24 hours I have read up on anonymity, surveillance, VPNs, proxies, TOR and the security risk of torrents, as well as email hacking. The implications of online sabotage and espionage stretch from rearranging world affairs to the flow of hundreds of billions of dollars in transactions that never pass through any government anywhere in the world. In a word, staggering.

There's a helluva modern novel waiting to be written about all this. My research has begun.

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